Con una genialidad del goleador Jared Berastein, los Outsiders confirmaron su supremacía sobre el equipo “B” de San Quentin al derrotarlos 3-2. … [Read more...]
SQ Earthquakes keep clean sheet in 2-0 win over the Outsiders
Acting as goal keeper for the San Quentin Earthquakes, Don Spence kept a clean sheet in a 2-0 victory over the visiting Outsider soccer team. “This … [Read more...]
SQ soccer team looks good losing
Dressed in brand-new San Quentin soccer jerseys, the A-Team came back from a two-goal deficit against the visiting Outsiders, but lost in penalty … [Read more...]
SQ soccer extends winning streak
With new talent added to its roster, San Quentin’s revamped soccer team extended its winning streak to two games by beating a tough Outsider squad, … [Read more...]
Quentin soccer loses to Outsiders…but still smiling
The San Quentin Soccer B-team was shut out 4-0 by the visiting Outsiders, but the players were still smiling because the soccer program has grown … [Read more...]
New soccer season kicks off San Quentin Lower Yard
The visiting Outsiders soccer team out-kicked the San Quentin squad, 5-3, in the season opener. “I’ve been missing San Quentin soccer all winter,” … [Read more...]