SF District Attorney attends first Spanish-speaking forum in SQ
In a groundbreaking symposium, San Quentin’s incarcerated Spanish community hosted its first forum with San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins and her staff. “I’m honored to be here today to make an impact for the Hispanic community. I have the opportunity to do this for the first time here at SQ,” said DA Brooke Jenkins, who is of Salvadorean descent, in her opening … [Read More...]
Dos Latinos Alcanzan la Educación Universitaria en San Quentin
By Edwin Chavez
En total siete personas se graduaron en el 2024, Mount Tamapais College es la única universidad acreditada que está establecida dentro de una institución encarcelaría en los EE.UU. Durante la ceremonia, la oradora principal fue la jefa Lateefah Simon, quien es reconocida por abogar por los derechos civiles y justicia racial en la cuidad de Oakland California y actualmente es candidata al … [Read More...]
El pueblo Mexicano Rompió barreras en la Casa Presidencial
By Rene Lorenzo
Claudia Sheinbum Pardo, será la primera mujer presidenta en un país por primera vez. El dos de junio se llevaron a cabo las elecciones históricas en la Ciudad de México. Una mujer fue elegida con un 60% de los votos en un país tradicionalmente gobernados por hombres. “No llego sola, llegamos todas. Con la heroínas que nos dieron patria, nuestras ancestras, nuestras madres, nuestras hijas, y … [Read More...]
Feria de libros de verano en CRSQ
Cientos de residentes del Centro de Rehabilitación de San Quentin, tuvieron nuevamente la oportunidad de mandar libros sin ningún costo para fomentar la lectura a sus seres queridos, el pasado Mayo. Este es el segundo verano que se llevó a cabo en la biblioteca de CRSQ la feria de libros. Aproximadamente 1,100 libros fueron donados para este evento por la organización sin fines de lucro, “Los … [Read More...]
Conmemorando los veteranos y soldados caídos
El pasado Mayo, el grupo, “Los Veteranos de San Quentin”, conmemoran los que sirvieron en las fuerzas armadas y los soldados caídos en el Centro de Rehabilitación de San Quentin. En el evento, mientras se tocaba la melodía con trompeta “Asistencia al Caído”, se colgaba una corona para recordar los que han fallecido durante las diferentes guerras de Estados Unidos. Varias banderas volaban de … [Read More...]
El juego historico de fútbol que unió a dos comunidades
Por primera vez en su historia, un partido de fútbol entre los residentes y los oficiales de San Quentin, une la comunidad hispana en el Centro de Rehabilitación de San Quentin. Dos partidos fueron narrados totalmente en español por el residente Pablo Sánchez. Las bandas “Grupo Único Elemento” y “Esperanza” acompañaron el partido entero con música diversa, también en español, aún durante la … [Read More...]
Modelo Californiano Arranca en San Quentin
Scroll for English translation El pasado Mayo inicio la inauguración del Modelo Californiano con un gran evento para los residentes del Centro de Rehabilitación de San Quentin. La meta del Modelo Californiano es desarrollar una cultura más humana que su enfoque es, en sanar a los residentes. Se trata de dar otra imagen al sistema de prisiones aquí en CRSQ, según el reporte impreso por … [Read More...]
La negación de los servicios religiosos
Nueva York reconsiderará las afirmaciones de un residente de la instalación Correccional de Green Haven. Robert Wiggins asegura que sus derechos de Primera Enmienda Constitucional fueron violados al no dar la “lista de llamado” para asistir a eventos religiosos. Según lo publicado en Bloomberg Law, la Corte de Apelaciones para el Segundo Distrito de los EE. UU., afirmó que el practicante … [Read More...]
El impacto a los hijo con padres encarcelados en América Latina
El encarcelamiento de los padres por cualquier periodo de tiempo en países latinoamericanos, amplifica la vulnerabilidad que ya existe, también, se introducen nuevos obstáculos para su bienestar y desarrollo de los niños. Estas separaciones solo aportan la marginalización, sufrimiento y el posible envolvimiento en actividades criminales a sus vidas como adulto, según lo dicho por Chris … [Read More...]
Residentes le ganan a los oficiales en un juego amistoso
By Gerardo Mato
El juego que unió a dos comunidades en el patio principal, por medio de un partido de softball [variación de beisbol], donde los residentes se llevaron la victoria en el Centro de Rehabilitación de San Quentin. Este evento amistoso y deportivo fue entre dos equipos rivales. En el pasado, estas actividades no existían por reglamentos administrativos y códigos contra prisioneros … [Read More...]
By Edwin Chavez
David Hernandez re-purposing everyday scraps into art gems All art has unique ingredents. San Quentin resident David Hernandez creates sports logos and handbags from common materials that anyone else would consider useless and throw away. He has adopted the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle as an artistic credo. “I learned these techniques so that I can stay busy and my time goes by … [Read More...]
SAN QUEN-TOONS, Tips For Cell Living – August 2023
By Jessie Milo
Por Aristeo Sampablo e Idalio VillagránSpanish Journalism Guild Writers Con las guitarras en las manos y la voz entonada, encuentran sanación en el paso a su rehabilitación. Es una tarde como cualquier otra, Los amigos de Rancho estan reunidos y afinando sus guitarras para traer un poco de alegría a los residentes de San Quentin. Resonando sus instrumentos y dándole un toque … [Read More...]
Por Willy Alarcón Spanish Journalism Guild yEdwin E. Chavez Spanish Journalism Chair Después de una ausencia de dos años por la pandemia, el Día De La Paz regresó a San Quentin a toda pompa. El evento comenzó temprano, trayendo largas filas de reclusos anticipando recibir sus bolsas de obsequios llenos de aperitivos, gracias a la compañía Walkenhorst. El Director de la … [Read More...]
The Marin Shakespeare class at San Quentin continued its tradition of performing classic plays from the English bard’s portfolio. On June 30, it was a Caribbean-themed interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy, "The Taming of the Shrew." The event in the Garden Chapel also featured a discussion about how San Quentin can transform into a rehabilitation center. Some of the residents in … [Read More...]
By Steve Brooks
By Steve Brooks
ADAMU CHAN WINS DIRECTOR DEBUT FOR 'WHAT THESE WALLS WON'T HOLD A formerly incarcerated documentary filmmaker, who honed his skills in San Quentin’s media center, has won an award from the oldest film festival in the nation. Adamu Chan, director of the film “What These Walls Won’t hold,” received the Golden Gate Award for best mid-length documentary at the San Francisco International film … [Read More...]
By Edwin Chavez
DAVID CALDERON TAKESCONTROL OF HIS MENTALHEALTH THROUGH HIS CRAFT San Quentin resident David Calderon, 38, showcases his artistry by creating sports hats out of writing paper and cardboard. He created his hats with a variety of team sports logos at the request of other incarcerated men here at San Quentin; teams like the Dodgers, 49ers, Raiders, Miami Dolphins and … [Read More...]
San Quen-Toons July 2023
By Jessie Milo
By Dante Jones
“Artists are definitely treated different in prison — ‘cause you provide something real that humanizes people and connects people to their family, which makes them feel valuable.” The quote above is from the documentary Art & Krimes by Jesse Krimes, screened in San Quentin’s Protestant Chapel Feb. 17. The film, directed by Alysa Nahmias, is a powerfully emotional story. It … [Read More...]
By Edwin Chavez
SAN QUENTIN TRADITION PERSONIFIES POSITIVE CHANGE, NEARS HOLIDAY STATUS The San Quentin community hosted its annual Day of Peace on July 1. Peace, love, and unity permeated the air as residents, staff, program volunteers and community members gathered to enjoy the sun, music and camaraderie. The event commenced with the SQ Color Guard flag-presentation ceremony followed by resident … [Read More...]
By Edwin Chavez
LUCIANO BORJAS BRINGS LOWRIDER CULTURE BACK TO LIFE Art promotes peace and tranquility in those who allow their skills and imagination to flourish inside prison walls. Luciano Borjas has found peace in drawing cars, sceneries and portraits. The artist’s passion helps foster his personal growth while enhancing relationships with friends and family on the outside. In his roles as … [Read More...]
By Jessie Milo
Incarcerated people at CSP Corcoran worked together to create chalk art throughout the prison, aimed at increasing awareness of suicide in prison. In 2021, 31 people committed suicide in California’s prisons, with others struggling with suicidal thoughts and attempts, the Prison Journalism Project reported in a March story. Depression is prevalent for incarcerated people because … [Read More...]
Andrew Wadsworth finds healing with each stroke of the paintbrush
By Edwin Chavez
Andrew Wadsworth began his incarceration as a 16-year-old. He admits that his path to adulthood has had its challenges. Now 38, he’s in the early stages of realizing that a paintbrush is an excellent way to express himself. “It’s hard for me to express myself without coming off arrogant,” Wadsworth said. “With abstract painting there are lots of emotions—it’s hard to express just … [Read More...]
Stitch-wiz Ezekiel Gonzalez inspired by love for his daughters
By Edwin Chavez
“My two daughters Jacklynn and Lilly were the ones that inspired me to create these teddy bears,” said Ezekiel Gonzalez, 51, a resident of San Quentin. Gonzalez’s talent seems anything but ordinary inside prison walls. He sews handmade teddy bears and stuffs them with cotton, a craft and its products not often seen in a world of metal and concrete. When he first arrived at a … [Read More...]
By Jessie Milo
by Jessie Milo (2023) … [Read More...]
WALL CITY Spring 2023 Photo Gallery
The Golden Gate Ferry leaves San Quentin in its wake.Beneath pastel skies, a scene of incongruent beautyunfolds as the sun sets behind the 170-year-old facility.For families of San Quentin’s 4,000-plus residents,West Block’s outer facade reflects a daunting, impenetrablefortress, where loved ones struggle to keep hope aliveunder the watchful gaze of the guard towers. … [Read More...]
One of SQ’s newest artists honors lives lost to COVID
By Edwin Chavez
“I am a person who wants to bring happiness to all, by placing a smile on people’s face, a shimmering of hope,” said Shelley Small, a new San Quentin arrival. The artist considers himself a person with multiple talents, who is a caring and giving person. One of his goals is to bring out the hidden talents that others’ might have. Showing his talent is another form of teaching others: … [Read More...]
UnCommon Sense
By Jessie Milo
Submitted by Jessie MiloCSP-Corcoran … [Read More...]
COMIC RELIEF – UnCommon Sense Comic by Jessie Milo, CSP – Corcoran
By Jessie Milo
Solano caricature artist Ray Williams
pays homage to SQ’s prison journalists
By Edwin Chavez
Solano State Prison resident Ray Williams Jr. created animated caricatures of formerly incarcerated journalists who were part of San Quentin’s radio program UnCuffed. Williams conceived of the idea when formerly incarcerated journalists and San Quentin volunteers took a trip to Oslo, Norway, to be part of the first ever Prison Radio International Conference, which was featured in the … [Read More...]
Glen Shafer: Soledad neoclassical
artist owes his life to his art
By Edwin Chavez
Incarcerated for 35 years, the artist finds art itself to be his most stabilizing influence SQNews is featuring art submissions from incarcerated men in institutions other than San Quentin. We begin with the art of Glen W. Shafer, a resident of Soledad State Prison. “I owe my art my life,” said Shafer. “Today I am very grateful God has blessed me with this gift.” For some, art … [Read More...]