Partidarios de extrema derecha, que apoyan a Donald Trump, como el grupo político Mayoría Americana y la Legión Republicana, que venden sombreros MAGA … [Read more...]
Feds are seeking recall of more than 3,000 released prisoners
After the release of more than 3,000 federal prisoners, the Justice Department is trying to recall their sentences and lock them back-up, according to … [Read more...]
Judges overwhelmed with immigration case backlogs makes it difficult for them to work
The Trump administration’s controversial strategy to reduce the growing back- log of immigration cases has failed, according to a university study. … [Read more...]
President Trump’s federal appointments lack diversity
President Donald J. Trump has secured lifetime appointments for dozens of federal judges who do not represent the diversity of the American public, … [Read more...]
Trump pardons legendary heavyweight champ Jack Johnson
In May, President Trump pardoned Jack Johnson, the legendary first black world heavyweight boxing champion. His legacy had been tarnished by a … [Read more...]
Trump’s federal staff cuts hurt
President Trump initiated a hiring freeze and applied federal staff cuts that have appeared to be counterproductive to correction officers, staffers … [Read more...]
A nightmare for one incarcerated dreamer
Luis Ojeda, 23, is serving a six-year sentence in San Quentin State Prison after a conviction for assault with great bodily injury. Upon his release, … [Read more...]