Sixty percent of mentally ill inmates in county jails are eligible for diversion, but there are not enough facilities to provide supportive care, … [Read more...]
State to pay $1.5 million to family of prisoner who committed suicide
California has agreed to pay $1.5 million to the family of Erika Rocha, whose prison suicide was deemed foresee- able and preventable, the Sacramento … [Read more...]
Study: mental health diagnoses result in high rates of prisoner isolation
New Mexico has one of the smallest prison populations in the country at 7,300 but is fourth in the nation when it comes to confining prisoners to … [Read more...]
Nevada man commits suicide after his pleas for execution are denied
A Nevada man who pleaded for his execution killed himself when his wish was denied. Scott Raymond Dozier, 48, was found hanged in his cell on Jan. … [Read more...]
More than 4,000 mentally ill prisoners held in isolation
More than 4,000 prisoners diagnosed with mental illness throughout the country are being held in solitary lock-up, according to The Guardian. … [Read more...]
Mental health bomb-shell report on care inside state prisons
The chief psychiatrist of California’s prison system is accusing state officials of misleading both a federal court and lawyers for prison inmates … [Read more...]
Paroled prisoners involved in Transitions Clinic Network
Recently paroled prisoners face enormous medical and mental problems upon release, but one program is working to fix that, reported Patricia Leigh … [Read more...]
Message of Hope for Mental Wellness Week at SQ
A drum call to gather the population on San Quentin’s Lower Yard was made on Sept. 9 for the “Hope” themed opening of Mental Wellness … [Read more...]
Dr. Downey overcomes hurdles
Dr. Downey, a staff psychologist at San Quentin, is no stranger to overcoming obstacles in life. “I fell behind in grade school because no one knew I … [Read more...]
Inmates win ethics bowl against college students
The California Correctional Institution (CCI) Mental Health Department sponsored an unusual event once again on Aug. 3. Last year, this group won an … [Read more...]