The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation have introduced trauma-informed staff training to promote a healthier workplace, according to the … [Read more...]
Major changes ahead for solitary confinement
Segregation, security housing reclassified under new 'Restricted Housing Units' The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation has … [Read more...]
Polanco family files suit over death of highly-regarded sergeant
The family of a beloved San Quentin correctional sergeant who died of COVID-19 filed a wrongful death lawsuit against prison officials. The federal … [Read more...]
High Desert Prison warden sets the record straight
By some accounts, High Desert State Prison is one of California’s most notorious penitentiaries. Warden Marion E. Spearman wants to clear up that … [Read more...]
San Quentin’s big transition as non-designated facility
San Quentin State Prison’s transition from a General Population (GP) facility to a non-designated programming facility has uncovered old prejudices … [Read more...]
NY’s pilot inmate package program not well received
Earlier this year, New York state suspended a pilot program forcing families of inmates to buy from a limited number of private vendors when sending … [Read more...]
Valley State Prison holds inaugural YOP graduation
Valley State Prison (Chowchilla) celebrated a milestone earlier this year when it hosted its inaugural Youth Offender Program (YOP) graduation. The … [Read more...]
Suicides disturbingly common for officers
Suicides are “distressingly common” among California’s correctional and parole officers, a university study concludes. The rate of correctional or … [Read more...]