The Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO) offers a training workshop for formerly incarcerated inmates to give them skills they need for a new … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2018
Tablets benefit the incarcerated
Amid public controversy, the inmates of St. Lawrence County Jail in Canton, Ohio, were issued tablets in 2016 and have since reaped the benefits of … [Read more...]
Committee recommends better youth treatment
A committee made sweeping recommendations on the use of pepper spray, shackling, visitation rights and vegetarian meal options for incarcerated … [Read more...]
Questions linger over informant program
Orange County District Attorney Tony Rackauckus denied the existence of an informant program in his county’s jail to a “60 Minutes” correspondent, the … [Read more...]
Prison University Project wins ethics debate
A team of philosophy students from University of California at Santa Cruz ventured inside San Quentin on Feb. 13 for an ethics debate against inmates … [Read more...]
Program making chefs
DC Central Kitchen is a nonprofit catering and educational organization. Its focus is to provide careers through its culinary job training program for … [Read more...]
John Jay College’s new president worked for Obama
John Jay College, the leading educational institution on criminal justice in the nation, has a new president. Karol Mason, a former assistant attorney … [Read more...]
Javier Stuaring brings victims and offenders together
Javier Stuaring organizes healing dialogues between families of people who have a loved one murdered with families of loved ones serving life … [Read more...]
Formerly incarcerated man successful business owner
Former inmate Malik Wade launched a successful business called Malik Wade Ventures LLC, an umbrella company that houses a publishing and consulting … [Read more...]
Documentary reveals men’s struggles
A documentary film on ex-cons returning to freedom helps educate the public on the struggles these men face before and after release. The documentary … [Read more...]