The number of hate crimes in California decreased 12.8 percent in 2012, according to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. There has been a … [Read more...]
Archives for May 2014
Eric Holder Pushes to Restore Ex-Felons’ Right to Vote
During a speech at Georgetown University Law Center, Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. urged states to restore voting rights of felons after their … [Read more...]
Studies: Disproportionate Number of African-Americans Are Incarcerated
A disproportionate number of working-age African-American men are imprisoned, The Pew Charitable Trusts found in 2010. One in 12 African-American men … [Read more...]
A Positive Mail Call Can Generate Hope
You can feel the tension increase on 6-North every evening around six. The after-dinner cleanup is finished; cribbage and Scrabble games begin. A soft … [Read more...]
Immigration Shackles Lawsuit Settled
U.S. immigration officials and lawyers representing detainees settled a lawsuit concerning the use of shackles during immigration hearings. According … [Read more...]
A Small Step in the Right Direction Could Impact Millions
The settlement reached in the shackling of ICE detainees case is small, but at least it’s going in the right direction. Allowing detainees some … [Read more...]
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR by F. Romero, T. Young, & N. Brimage
Locked up with no coffee cake: I would really like to get your San Quentin News. I’m sending you three forever stamps. I’m in the SHU here at … [Read more...]
¿Como se dice Cinco De Mayo en Francés?
Mucha gente disfrutara una cerveza fría este Cinco De Mayo ¿Pero cuantas personas saben porque lo están celebrando? Algunas personas ahora saben que … [Read more...]
San Quentin Prisoners Explain Their Definitions of Cinco de Mayo
From elementary school to high school, many of us were taught the fundamentals of United States history and world history. From George Washington and … [Read more...]
San Quentin Embraces Restorative Justice
A new approach to criminal justice is gaining worldwide support and San Quentin is an important part of the movement, a university psychology … [Read more...]