The number of hate crimes in California decreased 12.8 percent in 2012, according to California Attorney General Kamala D. Harris.
There has been a 37.6 percent drop in hate crimes in California since 2003, according to state numbers. Harris says California law enforcement will “monitor and prosecute these cases to ensure severe consequence and accountability.”
Hate crimes with a race/ethnicity/national origin bias decreased 10.1 percent from 2011 to 2012. These have consistently been the most common type of hate crimes in California over the past decade, the Attorney General reported.
The report showed that hate crime events involving sexual orientation bias decreased 3.7 percent, and events involving a religious bias decreased 27.9 percent from 2011 to 2012.
“While overall numbers are down this year, any hate crime hurts the people and values of California”
The FBI established the hate crime categories. The statistics used to compile the report were derived from police agencies and district attorneys’ offices throughout California.
Matching changes made by the FBI and the California Department of Justice will make three changes to the hate crime reporting by law enforcement throughout the state.
“Gender non-conforming” will be added to the gender category and “community centers” will be added to the location category. In addition, “anti-Sikh” will be added to the religious category.
Statistics from these changes will appear in the Attorney General’s 2014 Hate Crime Report to be released in 2015. In her report, Harris commented, “While overall numbers are down this year, any hate crime hurts the people and values of California.”