The Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation have introduced trauma-informed staff training to promote a healthier workplace, according to the … [Read more...]
Historic soccer game brings two communities together
Through the love of the game of f útbol, history continues to evolve at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center, bringing the Spanish-speaking community and … [Read more...]
Reform advocates seek strategic plan for prison closures
Some prison reform advocates expect CDCR’s budget cuts will reduce wasteful spending amidst dwindling prison population, but seek more stable plans … [Read more...]
Valley State Prison holds California Model barbecue for staff and residents
Recognizing the importance of maintaining family connections, CDCR visiting staff and family councils made July Fourth visiting special. Some … [Read more...]
Modelo Californiano Arranca en San Quentin
Scroll for English translation El pasado Mayo inicio la inauguración del Modelo Californiano con un gran evento para los residentes del Centro de … [Read more...]
REVIVE leads CPR training program for SQ general population
Three-and-a-half million deaths by heart attack happen every year and only four of ten bystanders would have known how to prevent them with hands-on … [Read more...]
Union boss backs California Model
CCPOA VP witnesses firsthand the benefits of Norway model In September, about a dozen members of the California Correctional Peace Officers … [Read more...]
Another year down, another year forward
As this year comes to a close, we leave behind twelve notable months of historic endings at San Quentin and throughout the California prison … [Read more...]