Devin Cole last saw his mom when he was 2 years old. Then she went to prison. That was 22 years ago, when Alisa “Lee Lee” Stanifer began serving a … [Read more...]
Archives for February 2017
President’s nominee for attorney general draws controversy
President Donald Trump’s controversial nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Alabama) for United States Attorney General (AG) is expected to be approved … [Read more...]
CoreCivic claims success for educational programs
CoreCivic is boasting higher than expected success rates in its educational programs, The Eloy Enterprise reports. At La Palma Correctional Center in … [Read more...]
Inmate’s path back from a very bad start
Charlie Spence dreams of going home after two decades in prison, but he may never go home because of decisions he made as a teenager. Spence gave up … [Read more...]
Historic Black American’s first achievements
The accomplishments of African-Americans like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X are well known, but history records many African-Americans who also … [Read more...]
Ali’s battles beyond the ring
Muhammad Ali risked going to prison during the prime years of his boxing career to stand up for his beliefs. The fight for equality didn’t end after … [Read more...]
Estudio examina como los presos pueden mejores oportunidades ante el comité de audiencias
Por décadas, los presos con una sentencia de vida difícilmente obtenían su libertad condicional. Actualmente, más del 20% están siendo liberados. Todo … [Read more...]
Origen del Día del Amor y la Amistad
El 14 de Febrero, a pesar de ser una fecha muy anhelada y popular entre las parejas, muy pocos conocen la historia de esta tradición. Esta celebración … [Read more...]
El ‘Proyect Rebound’ ayuda a ex-convictos a obtener educación universitaria
El programa Project Rebound (PR) con base en la Universidad San Francisco State, tiene una tasa de éxito impresionante, reportó Emily DeRuy del The … [Read more...]
PUP’s big open-mic night winds up its year
Teachers and aides with the Prison University Project, at San Quentin, along with inmates and prison staffers, roared with laughter on Dec. 30 to a … [Read more...]