Thousands of violent crime victims and their loved ones descended on the U.S. Capitol to participate in a Crime Survivors Speak March on Washington, … [Read more...]
Psych assistance after parole board hearing offered to residents
Incarcerated residents sentenced to a life term have to use many of their self-help tools to deal with some of the harmful emotions associated with … [Read more...]
Voters to decide changes to involuntary servitude language in California Constitution
California’s voters will decide in November whether to remove involuntary servitude from the state’s Constitution, which would eliminate mandatory … [Read more...]
Amending Prop 47 creates ‘treatment-mandated-felony’ classification
California voters will once again have a chance to rewrite legislation concerning criminal justice reform. This November, the 10-year-old … [Read more...]
Last Mile audio program hosts storytelling seminar
A workshop of storytelling was held in San Quentin’s Chapel B, The Last Mile an audio video program at the prison sponsored the event. The occasion … [Read more...]