Should we be concerned — has America given up on our youth when it comes to the criminal justice system? As the pendulum swings back to the “tough … [Read more...]
La ley SB 203 proteje derechos Miranda para adolescentes
Ser esposado y puesto en el asiento trasero de un carro-patrulla o ser interrogado por detectives veteranos como sospechoso, puede ser abrumador para … [Read more...]
SF may close juvie, divert money to community-based youth offender services
The COVID pandemic has slowed down plans to close San Francisco’s Juvenile Hall, but alternative actions have decreased the number of occupants, the … [Read more...]
California to Shut Down Remaining Youth Facilities by July 2023
California is set to shut down its remaining three youth facilities by July 2023, generating concerns over how to handle young offenders, the Los … [Read more...]
Youth offenders convicted and given a lengthy prison term by a sentencing court for crimes committed when they were age 26 or under are entitled to … [Read more...]
Incarcerated juveniles suffer psychologically during COVID-19 lockdowns
Incarcerated juveniles around the nation are feeling the psychological pressures of being exposed to harsh solitary confinement conditions in the name … [Read more...]
LAPD sued for mislabeling Back and Latinx people as gang members
The Justice X Law Group is suing the Los Angeles Police Department, alleging Black and Latinx men and women are being mislabeled as gang … [Read more...]
Correspondence with Miami Youth Academy
In October, students at Miami Youth Academy and men at San Quentin State Prison in California started a letter exchange facilitated by the Prison … [Read more...]
Removing police from Florida schools a hot button issue
A push to remove police from within schools is among the hot button issues in this season of nationwide protest. But in Florida, an inconsistent … [Read more...]
Early release of court juveniles
Beginning Jan. 1, 2021, four California state-run juvenile facilities are slated to close, according to a Juvenile Justice Information Exchange (JJIE) … [Read more...]