Award winning journalist and former editor-in-chief Marcus Henderson paroles after nearly three decades of incarceration. As San Quentin News … [Read more...]
No housing for returning citizens in California
California released a record numbers of prisoners without an appropriate place for them to go. Often, the formerly incarcerated are put in … [Read more...]
Charles Manson’s follower recommended for release
The California parole board recently recommended the release of one of Charles Manson’s followers, Bobby Beausoleil, who has served almost 50 years … [Read more...]
Collateral consequences of incarceration still linger
Jay Jordan’s story is an example of the barriers the formerly incarcerated face when trying to make a new life outside of prison. He was paroled in … [Read more...]
Some states seeking input on wrong parole decisions
Some states are still seek- ing input from the wrong people on parole decisions a Prison Policy Initiative report maintains. The report says the … [Read more...]