California is releasing more lifers on parole, according to a Stanford University report. Between 2008 and 2015, the parole grant rate increased from … [Read more...]
How lifers get better parole board deal
For decades, lifers were rarely found suitable for parole. Now more than 20 percent are being paroled. Why? Thanks to changes at the legal, executive, … [Read more...]
Overcrowding in County Jails Changes Bail Practices
Overcrowding in county jails has California reviewing its bail practices. California’s bail practices have clogged the jails and become a tool that … [Read more...]
California Strikes Unconstitutional
California’s Supreme Court ruled a portion of the Three Strikes Law unconstitutional. It ruled that there are limits on awarding multiple strikes … [Read more...]
Death Penalty Appeals One-third Of California Supreme Court Cases
Death penalty appeals make up one-third of California Supreme Court’s caseload. According to a 2013 report by Paula Mitchell for Verdict, … [Read more...]
California Supreme Court Rules on Marsy’s Law
The California Supreme Court has upheld the voter-approved initiative called Marsy’s Law, which increased the deferral period between parole hearings … [Read more...]