Fathers are the missing links in the lives of many young Americans. In an increasingly dangerous and unpredictable world, absent fathers add tremendously to the insecurity of children. It is common that children function best in an atmosphere where both parents combine and complement their energies and talents in the rearing of children.
Even if pregnancy is an accident, once a decision is made to bring a child to term, the rearing of that child cannot be an accident. Most children are born at the top of their game genius level. It is the socialization process that turns most creative, talented and normal children into dependent and helpless adults. There are many aspects to child-rearing, but I would like to stress six.
(1) Children need love and need to be provided a safe, secure home that is full of warmth, love and challenges. (2) Teach by example, spending quality time with children providing options. (3) Be conscious of building self-love and self-esteem into your children. (4) Introduce your children to the unlimited possibilities of life. (5) Homes should be non-violent, and parents should be slow to criticize each other in front of children. (6) Most men give very little thought to a lifelong commitment that fathers should make to their children.
To be a parent you have to be there for your kids and not in prison. You have to realize that selling drugs, hanging out on corners, and carrying guns only lead to, being in prison or six-feet under. We cannot do anything sitting up here behind bars. Why do youngsters ages 18 and 19 years old, come to San Quentin? Because they do not have a role model; either their father is dead or in prison. We need to talk to these youngsters and try to steer them in the right direction, and explain to them that they need to be out there with their own kids. It starts at home!!! Youngsters need someone who is willing to listen and talk to them and try to instill in them that there is a better life out there for them. It starts at home!