A brilliant smile is a wonderful asset; it can win friends and influence people. But to keep a great smile, you have to know how to maintain healthy gums and strong teeth.
Teeth have three layers: The first and outer-most layer of the tooth is enamel. It is the hardest part of the tooth. The second layer is dentin. It is a porous layer made of very small tube-like structures. It is more yellow in color than enamel. When exposed, it is sensitive to hot, cold, and some times even air. The third layer is a mixture of nerves and blood vessels called pulp. It is the inner-most part of the tooth.
The only way to whiten teeth is to use a whitening solution. However, there are preventative measures you can take to minimize staining, which can be caused by:
Erosion of the enamel. When saliva becomes more acidic (drop in Ph), it can dissolve enamel, which can lead to an increase in erosion (a white chalky stain). A root canal can also contribute to the discoloration of teeth over time. A root canal is performed when the nerve has died or is in the process of dying. It is necessary to clean out the dead or dying tissue and fill the space with a material known as gutta percha.
There are several other reasons teeth stain: sodas, red wine, artificially colored drinks, or dark colored foods, such as blue or blackberries and colored sauces like soy sauce or tomato sauce. Just because they stain your teeth does not mean that you should stop eating them. They are a good source of vitamin and are rich in antioxidants.
Eat crunchy fruits and vegetables, which help to wash off stains.
Use a straw for colored drinks, take frequent sips of water during the day and rinse or brushing after eating. These simple but effective habitual changes improve our lifestyle and create bright and fresh smiles!
You can also make some minor adjustments to your diet that can prevent staining. Substitute soda with water. Eat berries in moderation or substitute them with apples, grapefruit, or melon. Try to eat stain-causing foods quickly to minimize their staining potential.
Bad breath is an embarrassing condition caused with many different sources: eating onions, garlic, curries, drinking coffee or by medical conditions, such as dry mouth or heartburn/acid reflex. Two things you can do to prevent bad breath are:
Brush your teeth and tongue after eating. Brushing the tongue is important because 80 percent of the odor comes from the back of your tongue.
Take frequent sips of water throughout the day. This lubricates your mouth and prevents acidic erosion.
Simple modification to your daily habits can help you achieve and maintain a brilliant smile. This not only improves your appearance, but is good for your health.
(The purpose of this article is to provide simple tips. I will elaborate on dry mouth in the next article. If you have any comments, questions or would like to learn something else about your oral health, please send a U’ sav ‘em to the San Quentin News.)