San Quentin TRUST will be sponsoring its Seventh Annual Health Fair on April 30. The one day event will be held on the lower yard, in and around the old laundry building. It is slated to begin at 9 am, and will include information booths, testing and activities services and a chiropractic clinic.
The booths will offer information on Alcohol and Drug abuse, Asthma, Hypertension, Stress Reduction, Diabetes and Smoking and more. There will be lectures on Stress Reduction, Nutrition, Addiction Recovery Counseling, Aging, and Domestic Violence. The Chiropractic clinic will assess and recommend treatments and exercises for those experiencing back problems.
Staff from Centerforce & UCSF, as well as members of the Alameda County Public Health Department-Urban Male Health Initiative will be assisting San Quentin TRUST in this endeavor.
The men of San Quentin would like to thank these professional men and women for volunteering their time and expertise to help us.