Cries of it’s a “witch hunt,” a “scam,” and the court system is “corrupted” and “rigged” were some of the comments former U.S. President and business mogul Donald Trump made after being convicted of 34 separate felony charges.
Trump was convicted of falsifying business records in his so-called “hush money” trial. Hey, but he can still run for president.
So where is the “tough on crime” rhetoric from these “law and order” Republicans when it comes to Trump’s convictions? Believe me, I understand, some of us who are also convicted of crimes still have family and friends who love and support us.
However, where are all the derogatory terms of “monster,” “predator,” and “coward” for “the Donald?” I am not a Democrat or bleeding heart liberal and I’m not the one to put down Mr. Trump, especially now that he is also system impacted. Nevertheless, people of color and poor Whites had to endure a criminal justice system that has been stacked against them for centuries.
Some Republicans claim Democrats used the court system to attack a political rival for political gain. Is this not what happened with the passing of the 14th Amendment, which had a loophole from which the Southern states benefited, and which has kept de facto slavery on the books to this day? Basically, you are subject to slavery if you are convicted of a crime.
This led to the Black Codes and vagrancy laws of the past that were used to put Black people back into slavery — legally. Hmm, a “witch-hunt,” a “scam” — the court system is “corrupted” and “rigged.” Yeah, Mr. Trump, maybe you have a point. But Trump never had to experience a violent arrest by police, staying a night in jail, or facing a bail out of his price range. Oh, the feds (FBI) did raid his house, so he might have earned a little street cred for that.
Also, Trump didn’t have to face multiple charges with an overworked and case-laden state appointed attorney, who may or may not remember his client’s name. Trump had a team of lawyers and a wealth of campaign donations. It is hard enough for poor people to get a GoFundMe page for people who died, let alone hire a lawyer for good representation — go figure.
I watched Trump on TV as he sat at that defendant’s table. I observed his face as witness after witness took the stand to testify. I kept thinking, Yeah, I know that feeling. But will Trump ever have any remorse or take accountability for his actions? His history has shown he has mastered the “art” of deniability with a cult of people who seem to be willing to be fall guys and not testify against Trump. Who would have thought some of these high-level conservatives would take “stop snitching” to a whole other level?
Trump still has a right to appeal his conviction, but once again, unlike other national and statewide felons, Trump is not likely to receive a blanket “Your Appeal Has Been Denied” with no other response from the courts. His case may even make it to the U.S. Supreme Court, because he is the first former U.S. President convicted of a crime. And it probably won’t take decades of him sitting in prison for them to decide his case either.
The double standard some of these Trump supporters have about crime doesn’t surprise me, when it comes to one of their own. I know gang mentality. I was born and raised in Los Angeles, Calif. I’ve been there — your “homie” (friend) is always right, no matter who it hurts. Moreover, we were willing to overlook all bad behavior and defend our agenda at all costs.
Trump is still the Republican candidate going up against Pres. Joe Biden, who has equally questionable views on criminal justice reform. But I must commend both men: Trump for signing the First Step Act and Biden for the Second Chance Act, as well as other minor legislation that affects low-level drug offenders.
However, Biden’s 1994 crime bill still has disenfranchised the lives of generations of people of color. Trump’s separation of immigrant families at the border and the dismantling of women’s abortion rights by stacking a conservative Supreme Court will also have long-lasting effects. Both candidates more than likely will not make any significant changes to overhaul the justice system.
Nevertheless, they both have joined the reality of the other millions of system-impacted people and their families. Biden’s son Hunter just recently was convicted of three felony weapons charges.
It is ironic that I remember Trump and his supporters were chanting “Lock her up, lock her up” about Hillary Clinton and her email allegations — to now claiming the system is rigged.
Yeah, maybe Trump has learned that he might can’t just walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and get away with it. Welcome to our world.