The Vietnam Veterans Group of San Quentin is gearing up to bring a touch of Christmas to San Quentin with their 24th annual Toy Program.
Members of the VVGSQ will once again show off their elf ears as they join forces with members of the inside S.Q. community to deck the halls of the mainline and H-unit visiting rooms with Christmas trees, tinsel, and festive yuletide decorations.
The VVGSQ has already begun to prepare to receive donations of toys and stuffed animals from outside organizations like Toys for Tots and the Salvation Army. These toys will then be passed out to inmates’ children from infant to age 14, who come to visit Dec. 15, 16, 22 and 23.
Toy program co-squad leader Barry Spillman said, “I do it because it’s my way of giving back to the community…of being part of Christmas again.”
“There’s no better feeling than to
see genuine happiness on children’s faces”
George Caffale, another cosquad leader and long-standing member of the group, commented, “During my time in the military, from ‘76 to ‘84, I was deployed out of country and know what it feels like to be away from home and miss the holidays. There’s no better feeling than to see genuine happiness on children’s faces as they visit with their fathers for Christmas and go home with a bag full of toys.”
Inmates and ILTAG organizations can donate by filling out Trust Withdrawals made payable to VVGSQ ILTAG account SQP # 634, and send them directly to the Trust Account Office. Outside donors of toys, stuffed animals, or monetary contributions, can contact Lt. K. Evans at San Quentin State Prison. (415) 454- 1460 ext. 5205.