In San Quentin, the mood of Veterans Day took a celebratory tone, despite the inclement weather that had relocated the event from the Lower Yard to … [Read more...]
I Thought the Marine Corps Would Offer a Better Life. It Was Another Place I Didn’t Belong.
Editor’s Note: This story was published in partnership with The War Horse and was written during a writing seminar for incarcerated veterans in April … [Read more...]
My Father Wasn’t Coming. It Was the Story of My Life.
I’m not using my relationship with my father as an excuse for my crimes. But after 46 years in prison, I’ve had time to reflect. Editor’s … [Read more...]
Each Episode in Life Is Just a Moment. Ten Years of Incarceration Is My Last.
Editor’s Note: This story was published in partnership with San Quentin News and was written during a writing seminar for incarcerated veterans in … [Read more...]
San Quentin Incarcerated Veterans Share ‘Proud, Poignant, and Painful Episodes’ during War Horse Writing Seminar
In a peaceful setting inside the chapel at San Quentin Rehabilitation Center, 18 members from Veterans Group San Quentin who served in the Army, Navy, … [Read more...]
Incarcerated veterans celebrate 10 year anniversary
The Veterans Healing Veterans self-help group celebrated its 12-year anniversary and held its first graduation in San Quentin since before the … [Read more...]
Conmemorando los veteranos y soldados caídos
El pasado Mayo, el grupo, “Los Veteranos de San Quentin”, conmemoran los que sirvieron en las fuerzas armadas y los soldados caídos en el Centro de … [Read more...]
I Was an Air Force Fighter Pilot. Now I Help Addicts in Prison Turn Their Lives Upside Down.
Editor’s Note: This story was published in partnership with San Quentin News and was written during a writing seminar for incarcerated veterans in … [Read more...]
A veteran’s journey from prison to redemption
Sid Anderson, a formerly incarcerated individual, journeyed from prison to redemption by overcoming obstacles and finding comfort in serving … [Read more...]
Armed Service banquet recognizes SQ resident Veterans and dignitaries
Centerpieces of paper-constructs of military service vehicles decorated banquet tables. Video montages highlighted incarcerated veterans. An empty … [Read more...]