Though it seems a lot longer, it’s only been nine months since I was released from San Quentin State Prison. Just a few months since I gathered my … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2015
The Women of San Quentin: Soul Murder of Transgender Women in Male Prisons by Kristin Schreier Lyseggen
When Kristin Schreier Lyseggen moved from her native Norway to Berkeley, she saw it as an opportunity to understand the lives of people struggling to … [Read more...]
Ice Extiende Carceles Para Mujeres Inmigrantes
Oficiales de inmigración han anunciado planes para extender facilidades de detención para mujeres en el Sur de California. La Inmigración y la Aduana … [Read more...]
Presos a Traves de los Estados Unidos Envejeciendo
Presos están envejeciendo a través de todos los Estados Unidos, de acuerdo a Jacob Gershman en su bloque de leyes Wall Street Journal. “Prisioneros de … [Read more...]
Vast Majority of Elected U.S. Prosecutors Are White Males
Sixty percent of the states do not have a single elected black prosecutor White men make up the majority of prosecutors in the United States, … [Read more...]
Solitary Confinement Grows in United States
Use of segregated housing in U.S. prisons and jails has risen significantly in recent years, even as evidence grows that the practice harms … [Read more...]
Vocational Trades Give Prisoners Hope for Success After Release
Inmates doing time at San Quentin State Prison take good advantage of one prison system idea that’s designed to ensure they leave prison with a … [Read more...]
Congressman Mark DeSaulnier and Judge Clare Maier Join Inmates for National Addiction Recovery Celebration
By Rahsaan Thomas Staff Writer California Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (D-11th District) and Contra Costa County Judge Clare Maier sat swapping stories … [Read more...]
What Can You Be Most Thankful for in Your Life?
November is the last of four months in the year with just 30 days. This year, November has five Sundays and five Mondays. Daylight Saving Time ends on … [Read more...]
Minority Report
How does a focus on retribution break a criminal justice system? Mondays at 9 p.m. you can watch FOX’s new show Minority Report and find out. Inspired … [Read more...]