Muslim Chaplain, Imam Rafeeq S. Hassan began volunteering at San Quentin State Prison in 1985 under the endorsement and sponsorship of Masjid … [Read more...]
Archives for November 2008
Chaplains Serving Hope on All Levels
Father Stephen Barber started at San Quentin as a volunteer in 1996 along with other Jesuit priests from Berkeley where he attended the School of … [Read more...]
Chaplains Serving Hope on All Levels
Just as the U.S. military hires on Spiritual Counselors, so does the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. The makeup of San … [Read more...]
Think You Can Write?
Resilience Multimedia, publisher of the widely praised book, “Think Outside the Cell: An Entrepreneur’s Guide for the Incarcerated and Formerly … [Read more...]
Condemned Row Inmates Form Advisory Council
East Block’s Condemned Row has been a world of its own. It’s known to house the worst of the worst. It is a man’s final stop before his ill awaited … [Read more...]
How to Persuade a Judge
When faced with someone who sits in judgment over us, we need wisdom and skill to persuade that judge to rule in our favor. We all must appear before … [Read more...]
‘Songbirds in a Golden Cage’
As a teenager and young adult, Jaimee Karroll sang. She played guitar and sang mostly dark folk songs until she realized that she used her voice to … [Read more...]
In an election that was quite clearly overshadowed by the uncertain economic times, Americans went to the polls and voted their pocket-books in … [Read more...]
A Portrait From the Past Clinton Duffy: Mr. San Quentin 1940-51
No one would have believed that as late as the summer of 1940, San Quentin, a “modern” prison where Warden Jimmy Johnston had ended officer barbarism … [Read more...]
Student Injured in Print Shop
Andre Taylor, vocational student, was seriously injured while operating a paper cutter in the San Quentin Printshop. Taylor’s hand was caught in the … [Read more...]