Greetings and welcome to San Quentin. My name is Raúl Higgins. I am excited to be the new Kid CAT Speaks Writer! I love writing stories and it has always been a passion of mine.
I have used my 24 years of down-time wisely and currently serve as a Kid CAT facilitator. Although I was not a youth offender, what attracted me to Kid CAT was my involvement over the last 10 years as a mentor to youth in the OMCP (Offender Mentor Certification Program).
Working with youth has wakened awareness and made me recognize my own childhood traumatic experiences and how they have impacted me as an adult. Through this experience I have grown to empathize with the men who went through the same youthful struggles.
Through my understanding of what childhood trauma is and how it shapes us, I can better assist others in their own healing and transformation.
I have learned I am at my best when I am serving others. I measure success by reaching one person at a time, one moment at a time, at the speed of trust.
Kid CAT has humbled me and I am grateful for an opportunity to serve this community selflessly.