The last 61 days of the year begin in the 11th month of our calendar year. According to the World Almanac, All Saints Day is on Saturday, Nov. 1. On Sunday, Nov. 2, it is All Souls Day and Daylight Saving Time ends. Veterans Day is on Tuesday, Nov. 11, Thanksgiving Day is on Thursday, Nov. 27, and Advent begins on Sunday, Nov. 30.
November is also National AIDS Awareness Month, National American Indian Heritage Month, National Adoption Month, American Diabetes Month and National Peanut Butter Lovers’ Month. Finally, there are two astrological signs in November: Scorpio, the scorpion, (Oct. 24 to Nov. 21) and Sagittarius, the archer (Nov. 22 to Dec. 21).
Looking ahead to Thanksgiving, people do have much to be thankful for, aside from the personal, legal and social difficulties of life. Sometimes hardships can cloud our memory of the many blessings we enjoy. The United States may not have a perfect judicial system, but history has shown that it has often rendered justice, from issues of equality and discrimination to upholding our constitutional rights. The average American diet may not be ideal, but this country enjoys an abundance of food compared to many other countries.
Sometimes when people go though difficulties they forget how fortunate and blessed we are to live in the United States.
Asked On The Line conducted informal interviews with men in blue and asked, “What is the one thing, tangible or not, that you are most grateful for having? Who is the one person or group of people you are most thankful for knowing or meeting?”
Chris Scull said, “I am thankful for having my Bible and I am very grateful for having my family, especially my mom.”
Aaron Brock is grateful for being alive and is thankful for having his wife in his life.
Eduardo Delapena, 55, is grateful for having good health. “I can still play ball with the youngsters, even at my age.” He is also thankful for having his son, daughter, sister and brother in his life.
Paul Oliver said that he is grateful for having his health and is thankful for his wife.
Borey “P.J.” Ai said, “I am grateful for my computer. Very grateful for being able to use my computer.” He was also thankful for having his family and friends. (Editor’s Note: Inmate Ai is employed by the Prison Industry Authority and his duties require computer use for clerical reasons. Computers authorized for inmate access have no Internet access.)
“I am very grateful for having my guitar. But my family, I am definitely grateful for having my family”
Martin Gomez-Galvan said, “Yo estoy agradecido pore estar bien de salud.” [I am grateful for being in good health.] “También estoy agradecido por tener a mi mama y a mis hijos,” said Gomez-Galvan. [I am also thankful for having my mom and my children.]
“I am not very materialistic when it comes to things,” said Richard Morris, while thinking about his answer. “I am very grateful for having my guitar. But my family, I am definitely grateful for having my family.”
Adriel Ortiz-Ramirez said that he is grateful for his breath. “I am thankful that I can breathe,” said Ortiz-Ramirez. “I am also thankful for my older sister and my niece and nephew.”
Jesus Flores, 44, said that he is thankful for his health. “Yo fume y tome mucho cuando era joven. Ya no fumo ni tomo, y me siento sano,” said Flores. I smoked and drank a lot when I was young. I don’t smoke or drink anymore and I feel healthy.”
Bobby Evans said that he is thankful for having peace of mind. As far as people he is thankful for, he said, “Immediately I would say family, but I think I would be doing an injustice to myself if I didn’t mention the volunteers that come into San Quentin. I am thankful for meeting them.”
Stephen Pascascio said, “I am thankful for having my health and strength and I am grateful for having my son.”