The San Quentin Warriors were put through hell to get them ready for this season.
The first week of practices, called Hell Week by Warriors coach Daniel Wright, didn’t involve the use of a basketball. While the basketball sat unused in the Lower Yard’s rec-shack, Wright had his players run, and run and run.
“They ran two miles, 15 suicides, 20 sprints, another lap, 10 more sprints up the court and 10 times back pedaling, and two more suicides,” said Wright.
“This is definitely a wind and endurance check,” said new recruit Julio Saca. “I’m grateful to be part of the team and to grow with them.”
“It’s tough; (Wright) ain’t playing,” said new recruit Miguel Sifuentes.
All the Warriors, new and old, tough out the drills in anticipation of the upcoming season.
“It will be an honor to play for the elite Warriors,” said John Wang.
“We are trying to fulfill our hoop dreams,” said Sifuentes. “I’m thankful the Christian Sports Ministry are giving us this opportunity.”
This years 2015 Warriors are:
New recruits:
D. “Frog” DeWitt, Tommie Nellon, Saca, Sifuentes and Wang.
And returning Warriors:
Allan McIntosh, Anthony Ammons, Harry “ATL” Smith, Donte Smith, Brad Shells, Montrell Vines, DuPriest Brown and Rafael Cuevas.
Greg Eskridge is an alternate, along with a surprise player.
“If my players don’t bring it this year, I’m telling the sports editor to suit up,” said Wright.
This year, Joshua Burton is a guard coach and Paul Oliver is the big man coach.
“Making the Warriors feels good. It’s something I’ll remember for the rest of my life,” said Nellon.
–By Rahsaan Thomas