What does it mean to study Asatru? In terms, it means to study a Northern (Heathen) neo-pagan tradition, or the Viking Religion. It also means the study of our Celtic and/or Northern ancestral traditions.
Being an Odinist, we stay away from hate, or hateful people. Our religion teaches us that our kindred celebrate life’s joys and share its sorrows. Most Asatru are kindred and their activities are family oriented.
Today’s modern pagans, and Asatru, are interested in working with other people, and with natural energies, not in manipulating or controlling other people.
This religion is not for everyone for two reasons. First, to study Asatru means you have ancestors’ who are or were Vikings, or of Northern European origin, and second, Asatru is where we pray to at least nine or more Gods, both men and women, all having different responsibilities. We also have a prayer for each of the seven days of the week.
Our religion does not pass a collection basket around to ask for help. However, our kindred (family) know when we need help, and all come together for the betterment of our ways. Asatru does not put any other religion down for their beliefs, no matter what!
However, San Quentin has yet to recognize us. In asking the question of why, we recognize that we have our bad apples as does every other religion. It’s our hope that all religions can be recognized, the Asatru is seeking to practice and study in peace.
The most important thing to remember is that there is a fine line between cultural pride and racism. Legitimate Asatrus do not cross it.
North Block Contact Information, Rocky Coté 1N40, Scott Stetler 3N63, Donny Croghan 4N31. North Block