The following list are of bills signed or vetoed by the Governor of California and could have an impact on the SQ community. Here is what was signed or vetoed in September 2024:
Signed bills:
AB 1186 (Bonta) – Effective January 1, 2025, this bill will alleviate youth restitution fines older than 10 years. The bill also prevents the state from requiring that each juvenile in a single case be charged 100% of restitution fines separately.
AB 1810 (Bryan) – Effective January 1, 2025, this bill requires state prison facilities with incarcerated individuals who menstruate, experience vaginal or uterine bleeding to be given access to sanitary products without having to request them.
AB 1875 (McKinnor) – Effective January 1, 2028. The Culturally Competent Hair Care Act requires local jails and state facilities that have a store for the residents to provide sulfate-free shampoos and conditioners, curl creams, and gel.
AB 1960 (Soria) – This bill gives sentencing enhancements for individuals who participate in the commission of or attempt a felony of damaging, taking or destroying property.
AB 2310 (Hart) – Effective January 1, 2025, this bill requires important notices and forms to be available in the five most common languages of eligible parolees.
AB 2483 (Ting) – Effective January 1, 2025, this bill requires judges, public defenders, and stakeholders to meet prior to new resentencing laws in order to discuss procedures. CDCR is required to assist litigants with retrieving institutional records within 30 days of request.
SB 285 (Allen) – Individuals given life without parole or a death sentence for a sexually violent offense are ineligible for resentencing if their judgment has not been reviewed and verified by the sentencing court by January 1, 2025.
SB 1069 (Menjivar) – Effective January 1, 2025, this bill gives the Office of the Inspector General investigative authority over cases of misconduct including sexual interaction between staff and an incarcerated person. The OIG would compile investigation reports to be submitted to hiring authorities.
Vetoed Bills:
AB 2160 (McKinnor) – Would have required states to let pregnant women request a hearing for a delay in sentencing or a delay of their sentence. The bill would have also required county jails and state prisons to offer pregnancy tests when requested and to keep pregnancy results confidential.
SB 94 (Cortese) – Would have allowed LWOPs to be resentenced if the incarcerated person had already served 25 years in CDCR custody and the harm they caused occurred before June 5, 1990.
SB 254 (Skinner) – Would have given media outlets access to incarcerated people to conduct face-to-face interviews at tour facilities.