Eight Idaho inmates have fi led a federal lawsuit, claiming the private prison company Corrections Corporation of America has virtually turned over control of an Idaho prison to gangs.
The suit fi led in November in U.S. District Court cites investigative reports from the Idaho Department of Corrections that suggest gangs took over control of the Idaho Correctional Center from staff members after prison officials began housing members of the same gangs together in some units to reduce violent clashes.
State officials said one result was prison staff had to negotiate the placement of new inmates with gang leaders, according to the department reports. Another claim was that prison guards were afraid to enforce certain rules, such as a ban on covering the small window in cells.
The security footage showed six members of one gang attacking seven members of a rival gang. The attackers hid in a janitor’s closet, then struck as their rivals approached.
Some guards used pepper spray and ordered prisoners to the ground, while other guards tried to separate a prisoner from being repeatedly stabbed by another prisoner.
Prison Unit manager Norma Rodriguez told investigators that gang members control authority over prison cell blocks and dictate who comes and goes.
Rodriguez mentions sex offenders cannot be housed in gang units because of a risk of attack by gang members. Prisoners not affiliated with a gang cannot be housed there because they would be victimized or forced to join a gang.
“The complaint alleges that CCA fosters and develops criminal gangs,” said Wyatt Johnson, one of the attorneys representing the inmates. “Ideally, the lawsuit should force this to come to an end.”