This life is about many things and this road we’ve chosen, this road in life is about acceptance. Accepting who you are, within the limitations of a hard old world. It is realizing that some times things in this heavy old world can squeeze you, and crush you, and drive you down into the dirt. But to survive, to keep going you have to lighten your load, you have to cast things aside that no longer matter, things that wear you down or weigh heavy on you. You need to find courage and embrace it, to keep going on. And sometimes you find it in yourself and sometimes you find it in others. And it might seem hopeless, it may seem like a fools path, and it is never a safe journey even if the angels are on your side. And something’s never change, they never will , but nothing ever changes unless you really believe it can.
And it is still the same old world as it was yesterday. It is a hard world, a treacherous old world. It will always remain so. But is a world that cannot be described in just these few words. With all its eminence of good and evil, strong and weak, light and dark. It is the world as it will ever be.
People live an people die, and the lives of people are precious; their time to create and exist, live an devolve is also precious. My thoughts are these, keep trying, keep living in the fullness of life, keep growing and creating. Because no one here gets out alive. This is not a cry of fear, it is a declaration. You are here today, one tomorrow you will not be. So I ask. Between those days. What will you do? Who will you become? Could it be a new world in this old one? I say it could be. May it be anew world, in this old one> That I believe is for each person to decide. But traveling thee is an inward journey, across an often fearsome land. The world within each of us, within ourselves, the private world helps deeply within. That is where the change happens, where a world can be made new in the midst of the old world. And that journey takes all the courage you may have with that being said I leave you with just one thing to remember. There is no roadmap …. bon Voyage.
Well Mr. Arnulfo T. Garcia or to whomever it may concern, I’d like to thank you and your staff for the publication of the San Quentin News. Reading it reawakened my love for the written word and I felt like maybe some of my thoughts and affections may be helpful for others to read. And you know the cliché, as long as you can touch one life, then that’s reward enough. So here I submit to you my latest thoughts put to paper. See what you think, I’m uncertain on what to call it but I have narrowed it down to two titles I like. “Roadwork” or “There is not Roadmap.” I’ll let you pick which one you like best. Keep up the great work lots of us look forward to what you may have to offer each and every month. And more often than not, I am very pleasantly surprised with your work. Thanks again.
With Much Respect,