Milestone credits awarded under the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s (CDCR) new Credit Earning Program have begun to reach expectant inmates here at San Quentin. The credits, which result in time off their sentence for participants in the program, are awarded for participation in, and completion of, a variety of selected educational and vocational courses and the Substance Abuse Program. Those eligible for the credits may earn up to six weeks off their sentence during each 12 month period.
First among S.Q.’s prison population to enjoy the rewards of the program have been those involved in CASAs testing and Adult Basic Educational (ABE) classes. H Unit literacy instructor C. Ayala is excited about the opportunities for her students. “This will potentially affect a great many of the S.Q. population,” said Ayala. “Working out the program details has been a slow process, but the credits are now starting to roll in to my students.”
For inmate Rafael Ortiz, participation in an ABE I class has meant a two week reduction in his sentence. “I am very happy to get the credits,” said a smiling Ortiz, who added “…and I have more coming!” Ortiz is among a number of inmates interviewed for this article who have received official notification of a reduction in their terms of incarceration. The reductions noted thus far have ranged from one week to a maximum of three and one-half weeks.
A paperwork glitch has slowed the process for those inmates who have participated in the GED program, but according to education Principal Ted Roberts those problems have been solved and inmates in the GED program should soon receive their credits, also.
The Credit Earning Program is the result of last year’s compromise between republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and the democratic controlled state legislature to voluntarily reduce the number of inmate’s in the state’s 33 adult prisons.
Life-term inmates and those sentenced for violent crimes are currently ineligible to receive milestone credits.