Listen Lil’ Homie…
i’d rather have you like me, than to be like me, See, cause if you were like me, peace would be unlikely, See, i live in a world where its likely, some convict will knife me, or the guntower will snipe me, so I’d rather have you like me, than to be like me…
i’m thinking…even if you were to like me, which is unlikely, you’d probably be shisty, still in the street’s going dumb being hiphy, lowdown, dirty, just like me, aint nobody written me, my only contact is when somebody fight’s me, but even still, i’d rather have you like me, than to be just like me… i wish i could make feel my heart…
its cold and icy, treacherous, just like prison life be, yet…you out there actin bad, yeah lil’ homie, you gon end up like me, a has been, a might be, or in the cell
wit some bandit tryin to make his wifey, liven life could be done easily, yet instead we choose to struggle and live deviently, over lookin all of life’s possibilities, then have the odaciety, to ask the question why me, See, i’d rather have you like me, that to be just like me… look thru my eyes and you’ll
see a color that’s bloody, walk in my shoe’s you’ll need boot’s cause its muddy, strip naked, squat and cough, spread you cheeks everyday made to feel dirty, simply, i’d rather have you like me, that to be just like me…
not mindin nobody, not liven honestly, cost me my family, rejected by society, got me hatin everybody, MATTER FACT!
i don’t want you to like me, hate me and berate me, cause in the end, i’d rather see you you liven nicely, instead of liven life in prison, JUST LIKE ME…