Wisconsin residents search for inclusivity and non-violence
San Quentin News,
Thanks for all your work over the years. Wisconsin prisons work much different, almost opposite of California. They teach about a gender unicorn to men that are clearly challenged or confused. I am from Madison, WI so I am hip to the Gay parades, because I ran our grassroots homeless outreach prevention effort inc. Now they have progress flags above the Wisconsin capital for pride month. We helped and don’t judge, but inside a prison things can look much different –HOPERGM.ORG does not endorse even magazines that exploit women in prison and we join efforts to combat all forms of trafficking.
— James Kruger, Winnebago WI
Rehabilitation comes in small doses and will not happen overnight
Friends @ SQN,
I’ve been a fan for years. After reading about all that’s going on in San Quentin I was trying to get here. I was really excited when I finally was endorsed but my first day here I heard guards laughing about assaulting inmates. I realize changes are happening but I’m afraid of you guys losing your edge. Not too much is going on at least down here on H-yard. We have to continue to hold their feet to the fire. I will be doing while I’m here and hope I can count on you to help. Seems all I read about is continually positive but that’s not all there is and I’m living in it. I’ve started putting in appeals and will continue till they get rid of me here to. Thanks for listening. I am still a big fan.
— Martin Buseth, San Quentin
GTL tablets removed apps
Dear SQNews:
on January 12 the “GTL Learn” app was removed from tablets here at Valley State Prison and presumably statewide. This education app provided access to the excellent professional level text books from OpenStax.
The recent addition of the Edovo app is a great addition to expand educational opportunities, especially high quality, low-cost ones such as OpenStax access is a real shame and does not seem in keeping with CDCR or Viapaths stated goals.
I am hopeful that SQNews investigative reporting can uncover what happened and possibly even reverse this unfortunate action, best regards.
— Guy Erb, Valley State Prison
Forward This and CJN documentaries spurn creativity
I was reading the SQ News one day and was inspired. I read about the media team filming a documentary at a fire camp, which moved me to write a proposal to create a documentary here. I recently graduated from “Walla Walla,” I proposed that we film the next class. The proposal was granted.
— Bryce Huber, Washington Penitentiary
Donating News to other incarcerated residents
I would give a donation if I could, but it would be interesting to read it and let other inmates enjoy it also. I would still like to subscribe to it, I think it be great reading about programs and other news in your paper.
— Morrison, CSAT-F
San Quentin News elicits national excitement
I would like to continue to receive your monthly news paper if possible, I love the National, Sports, youth, guild and every single article in the paper. I am a huge supporter and will continue to read about San Quentin. I am excited and fascinated to get to know and hear about San Quentin News.
— Avila, Pelican Bay
Giants fans throughout CDCR
I’m writing you because I am truly interested in your work, I was reading the January edition, good stuff my favorite team the San Francisco Giants was in there. Well good luck and much respect.
— Gabriel Magallanes, Wasco
CSP-LA looking for equal access
Us at CSP-LA, would appreciate if someone would look into why there are no jobs and no programs. We cant do correspondence and we just want an opportunity to get rehabilitative credits or milestones. Everyone here would love to be transferred, our credits are not being calculated properly. If we were at a different facility our terms would be greatly reduced. Inmates in the CDCR system should be given the same opportunity’s with education and earning milestone credits no matter what prison we’ll get endorsed to, please help.
— J. O’Connell, CSP Lancaster