I want to express my appreciation in thanks to the Men in Blue responsible for the Avon Walk in San Quentin. The perseverance necessary to make it happen was epic. I have only a small understanding of the hurdles thrown at you and cannot truly imagine how difficult it was at times.
Thank you for your resilience and determination, for keeping on track and for reaching your ultimate goal. You are all a fine testimony to the fact that much can be accomplished in life despite significant obstacles.
I am proud to have walked with men with bad hips, new hips, bad knees and men with canes. Men who never exercise and men with whom I could barely keep up with! I saw what a group effort can do where an individual can only dream.
The experience was profound and deeply moving and one that will stay with me always.
I urge you to keep this indomitable spirit alive and to stay on this path of strength, hope and faith. I am honored to have been a part of it and I thank you.
With deep respect,
A walker in pink