A self-help program recognized worldwide for its ability to help individuals discover and enhance their inner peace is coming to San Quentin.
It involves the inner peace philosophy of Prem Rawat, which has been taught in jails, prisons, retirement and veterans groups and directly to citizens of many countries.
“It’s about each one of us, everyone
on the face of the earth”
Sherry Weinstein, director of the Peace Education Program, gave a presentation to San Quentin prisoners about classes that uses the philosophy of the Prem Rawat Foundation.
The program’s sponsor, nurse Sue Patrick, said she looks forward to facilitating classes, scheduled to begin in May. Mainliners can enroll in the program via sign-up sheets posted in each building.
The program consists of one-hour classes each week over 10 weeks.
The classes include workshops where participants explore self-awareness, inner strength, peace, clarity of thought, understanding, dignity, choice, hope, and contentment.
The Peace Education Program is unparalleled in its approach to peace. “It’s about each one of us, everyone on the face of the earth,” Weinstein said, quoting Rawat.
The participants watch videos to help them make rational choices, leading to strength and inner peace, according to Weinstein.
Through the enhancement of inner resources such as hope, choice, and clarity of thought, “every person is set on a path of self-discovery,” she said.
More than 12 million people in 50 countries have been certified after completing the program.
The executive director of the Correctional Education Association, Stephen Steerer, endorses the program.
[A Prem Rawat video airs on SQTV daily at 6:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Check these times]