California City Correctional Facility (CAC), with the collaboration of Phoenix House, held its first graduation ceremony for the inaugural set of inmates to complete the Phoenix House Substance Abuse Treatment Program.
Phoenix House is a 150-day CBI-Substance Abuse Treatment program in which the clients are taught various skills to promote their success in the community upon their release from custody.
The ceremony was held in September.
In addition to substance abuse treatment, the clients are provided both anger management and parenting. It is CAC and California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation hope the graduates take these skills and apply them in everyday life. The graduation ceremony contained skits, singing and dancing, and poetry readings.
Correctional Counselor Stephanie Lacy and Warden David Long addressed the graduates with words of encouragement. CAC executive staff, as well as the respective Correctional Counselors attended the ceremony for each of the housing units.
Eighty-eight of the original ninety-six participants were able to complete the curriculum-based program, and received certificates of completion of Anger Management, Parenting and Substance Abuse Treatment.