Updated security protocols will affect all inmate workers and clerks who use computers as well as inmate workers with pay numbers.
In a meeting with Chief Deputy Warden Kelly Mitchell, the MAC Executive Council learned that all computers for inmate use must be modified, tasks involving chronos and waiting lists must be in the hands of staff sponsors, local printing will no longer be supported, and inmates with pay numbers will be audited in the near future.
“We reviewed the hard drives of about 40 inmate computers and found personal files,” said Mitchell. “No personal inmate documents should be on any computer. This includes personal files and documents such as letters, homework, canteen and package lists, legal work and letters to victims. Unless a document is a security threat, there will be no adverse action taken at this time.”
When it comes to inmate groups and ILTAGs, Mitchell said, “Inmates cannot be involved in making chronos or having control of waiting lists for programs or have access to any type of database, inmate locators, or attendance sheets for programs.
“Inmates may not print or have any identification information about other inmates, including names, CDCR numbers, housing, and race or ethnicity on their computers. Inmates are also not allowed to have control over other inmates’ documents, especially those that can affect a release date or Milestone credits.
“Also, Microsoft Access will no longer be supported. This includes staff computers. Instead of Access, staff will use Share Point and inmates may only use Microsoft Word, Excel, and Acrobat.”
Inmate computers will no longer be connected to local printers. “All printing must go through staff. We will be transitioning to central printers accessible by state employees only,” said Mitchell.
Concerning inmates with paid job assignments, Mitchell said, “We will be conducting audits of inmates with pay numbers. Job assignments take precedence.
Inmates may not participate in groups during their work hours. An inmate is paid to be at work, not at a group. If an inmate is attending groups during his work hours and he is getting paid, that is fraud and he will be issued a 115.”