The month of August is the fifth of seven months with 31 days. A full moon is expected on Saturday, Aug. 29. For Christians, the solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary occurs on Saturday, Aug. 15.
The World Almanac reports August is Black Business Month, Happiness Happens Month, National Immunization Awareness Month and National Toddler Month.
The two astrological signs in August are Leo, the sign of the Lion (July 23 to Aug. 22), and Virgo, the sign of the Virgin (Aug. 23 to Sep. 22). The August birthstone is the sardonyx or peridot.
August brings on strong summer heat. Being “hot” can be an uncomfortable feeling in one sense, but it can also describe a very good-looking person.
In honor of people who mainliners find outrageously “hot,” Asked On The Line inquired: “Who is or was the most attractive person you have met or known in person? And in your opinion, who is the hottest celebrity you have ever seen?”
Jesus Flores: “The hottest woman I know is my wife, Rachel, and I think Eva Longoria is the most good-looking actress.”
Kevin Myers: “The hottest girlfriend I ever dated was a model named Janet. The hottest celebrity is Ninel Conde.”
Manuel Murillo: “My first love, Magdalena Ochoa, was the prettiest girl I ever met. When I was a teenager, Magdalena was my sweetheart. We met in school. The hottest celebrity to me is a tie between Marilyn Monroe and Salma Hayek.”
Vicente Gomez: “The prettiest girl I ever knew was named Edilia. We lived in the same neighborhood when we were adolescents. For me, Maribel Guardia is the most beautiful woman. I love every movie and television show she has been in.”
Forest Jones: “Tracy Caffaro. I met her at a KFC in 1991. She was about 5’9” with long hair that went down past her waist. She had just bought a bucket of fried chicken and I asked her if I could jump into her bucket so she could take me home. She laughed and said, ‘Yes.’ Angelina Jolie is one of most attractive celebrities I have ever seen. I love everything about her.”
Juan Arballo: “The most beautiful woman I know is my girlfriend, Tammy. The most attractive celebrity is Sharon Stone.”
|“The most beautiful woman I know is my girlfriend, Tammy”|
Carl Burnside: “Honestly, my fiancée, Sherry Jennings. In spite of her physical beauty, her inner beauty is radiant. Her kind and loving spirit resembles Mother Earth, always nurturing and bringing her absolute best for everyone. Oprah Winfrey, too, because of the will, desire and courage she displays in nourishing and educating a nation of impoverished people.”
Angelo Falcone: “One of the most beautiful women I know, outside of the women in my family, is Linda. She is awesome. I admire her intelligence and kindness. As far as female celebrities, I love Rihanna.”