Forgive me. Forgive yourself. Forgive that in which I hold myself hostage to. Let it go. Whatever it is… big or small. Don’t be alarmed, by he way in which I express myself. Being myself. For I am a reflection of you. As you are a reflection of me. And the way to get free is to release the beast and release the peace. Forgiveness is a large part of that. Camisha stop the combat.
Who are you angry at? What are you? Trying not to be trapped? Mean while, you are trapping yourself, instead of tapping into yourself. Tapping into your talent and gifts you have been given. Just listen… to the wisdom within. No need to reach outside of yourself for whatever you’re looking for, you have all that you need and more. Even though your (maja) (Man/woman) or (mama)? may be unsure. You are pure. Even though your heart may be tore. Be an encore of authenticity. (Over & over again) Cause once in a lifetime happens every second. Check it.
Before, you wreck it. Be prepared to reassemble it. Stop trippin off what he did and what she did. Build your own crib. With patients, hanging, from the chandeliers. Constantly persevere. There is no fear, other than for the one we revere. Be clear.