- What is the LIFE Project? The Centerforce LIFE (Leaders in Future Environments) Project is a mentoring program for youth ages 11-18 who have an incarcerated parent of family member. The goal of the LIFE Project is to provide mentoring, support, leadership building activities, and events that help each youth to develop his or her full potential. The LIFE Project also provides specific support to help youth deal with the unique issues surrounding incarceration of a parent or immediate family member.
- Who is eligible to participate in the Centerforce LIFE Project? Youth with an incarcerated parent who are 11-18 years old and live in Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, San Mateo, or San Francisco County, are eligible to participate in Centerforce’s LIFE Project.
- What if the youth that I am referring does NOT live in the Centerforce LIFE Project Counties or is younger than 11 years of age? There are Mentoring Children of Prisoners (MCP) programs throughout California and the United States, including MCP programs that serve youth from 4 to 18 years of age. If the youth you are interested in referring for mentoring is not eligible for Centerforce’s LIFE Project, the LIFE Project staff can refer you to programs in your area and/or programs that serve youth who are younger than 11 years of age.
- What kinds of activities do the Centerforce LIFE Project offer? While mentoring pairs communicate and work together weekly, the LIFE Project plans and hosts group events about every six weeks. Activities and events are fun and educational with a focus on leadership skill development. Events range from pro-football games to rock climbing, concerts, plays, and college tours. Events may include special guest speakers, art projects and community service opportunities.
- What will my children get out of participating in the LIFE Project? Youth can benefit from participating in LIFE by having another caring adult in their lives, in addition to their parents. LIFE youth participants and their parents have reported improvement in grades, greater involvement in school and community activities, increases in self esteem, better relationships and more.
- How can I get more information or refer a youth to participate? If you are interested in your child participating in the LIFE Project, you can write us a letter with the following information about you and who you are referring.
Please include: Your name, address, and CDCR number. Youth and caregiver name, youth and caregiver address and youth and caregiver phone number.
Centerforce Information: Centerforce, Attn: LIFE Project, 2955 Kermer Blvd, 2nd Floor, San Rafael, CA 94901