How do you motivate people who come to prison with lengthy sentences to do well while they are incarcerated? That was a question that members of the Beyond Incarceration Program Inmate Leisure Time Activity Group posed to themselves when discussing some of the issues occurring amongst the population of Central California Women’s Facility.
In speaking about that topic, members decided to propose an event to try to reach the newer arrivals: a Day of Inspiration and Community Building.
“The idea of the Day of Inspiration and Community Building came to fruition after discussing the different avenues BIP’s leadership can take to motivate new arrivals to CCWF to be part of the solution and be agents of change within our community,” said Eleonora Igova, BIP Vice-Chairperson. BIP Staff Sponsor, Melissa Untalon Espino, loved the idea and agreed to forward the request.
The proposal was granted and BIP invited leaders in the CCWF community as well as some outside guests and motivational speakers to attend this groundbreaking event on February 23, 2024. The event got off to a somewhat rocky start in that there were a few delays, but once it began around 10:15, it was exciting.
The Day of Inspiration and Community Building began with a speech by CCWF’s Warden Anissa De La Cruz who spoke about the ideals of the California Model and some of what she would like to see occur at CCWF. Motivational speeches continued throughout the day, including formerly incarcerated guests as well as a presentation on the dangers of fentanyl and spice presented by CCWF’s Chief Nurse Executive Philip Mallory.
“It was such a great day,” said Heather Barron, a newly sentenced lifer who was invited to attend. “I got a lot of good information, got to know some of the different staff members who were there, and was so motivated by Niki Martinez — she gave me hope that I’ll be able to get out of prison one day.”
“I liked that BIP invited newer arrivals to the institution so they can start their time off right,” stated Naomi Heater, Chairperson of the ILTAG Helping Others with Life-Skills. “Everyone who was there came together and showed the newer arrivals that there is a better way for them to do their time.”
As the day progressed, participants were divided into six different groups so they could explore community building questions such as what keeps someone motivated to do well and what people do for self-care so that all invited could build rapport amongst themselves. After the community building questions, participants were surprised by cookies and cream cupcakes and cans of Coke, as well as freshly made popcorn. The excitement was palpable since the cupcakes and variety of soda is not something available at CCWF.
Once everyone was served and had a chance to eat, a game tournament was held so the six different groups could compete against one another and further build rapport amongst the teams. Recreational Coach Giovanni Martinelli arranged for workers assigned to the gymnasium to serve as team captains, who led participants in activities such as who could make the most basketball free throws, who could do the most squats, and who could do the most sit ups.
After the games were completed, participants were expecting to hear an announcement as to who had won… but the surprise was that everyone invited was a winner and received a backpack and stationery supplies that had been donated by the nonprofit, Exuberating Success, founded by Gerilyn Waiau Vila.
Invitees were overjoyed by the surprise and walked away feeling like part of the CCWF community. “The event was an incredible success in terms of giving hope to our new residents and inspiring them to approach education and rehabilitation,” said Igova.
Without the encouragement and cooperation of CCWF’s administration as well as the tireless efforts of Mrs. Untalon-Espino, this event would not have been possible.
“This event occurred because of the incredible support of the BIP staff sponsor and the belief she fosters that transformation is possible and everyone deserves a chance,” Igova indicated.
Given the implementation of the California Model and the vision Warden De La Cruz has for CCWF, incarcerated individuals at CCWF are hopeful that more events like this will be possible and are encouraged that the administration believes everyone deserves a chance to succeed.