In a groundbreaking symposium, San Quentin’s incarcerated Spanish community hosted its first forum with San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins … [Read more...]
Residents face penalties over circumvented restitution
California prisoners serving life terms face harsh penalties for “circumventing or avoiding” restitution. Since 2022, Board of Parole Hearings … [Read more...]
San Quentin staff runners carry flame of hope over Golden Gate Bridge
In a kickoff event for the Special Olympics in Northern California, various law enforcement agencies and CDCR officials carried a torch was to the … [Read more...]
Three HFM workers exhibit quick action, compassion
A loud groan followed by a heavy thump broke the silence as Edward Brooks and his co-workers cleaned an office in San Quentin’s medical unit in late … [Read more...]
Residents vote to recognize best staff
The exceptional leaders of San Quentin’s California Model were recognized in the first Shining Star Staff Recognition ceremony in which residents … [Read more...]
SF DA discusses domestic violence in SQ forum
Brooke Jenkins and her San Francisco District Attorney’s office sat with dozens of San Quentin residents in the Media Center for candid and … [Read more...]
Retired police sergeant continues service by going inside
Charismatic. Energizing. Straightforward. Such descriptions of Jason Lehman, a former Long Beach police sergeant, came from the attendees … [Read more...]
Santa Clara prosecutors discuss rehabilitation, justice reform
On a sunny Bay Area day, six prosecutors took the time to make a two-hour trip from Santa Clara to San Quentin to discuss rehabilitation, sentence … [Read more...]
‘Blue and Blue’ law enforcement forum series, working toward understanding
In painting, mixing blue and blue colors just would create more of the same, but at San Quentin, mixing officers in blue and residents in blue created … [Read more...]
Marin County struggles with police recruitment
High cost of living in the county make it difficult to hire, retain law enforcement personnel Marin County law enforcement faces difficulties in … [Read more...]