NASA Ames has picked San Quentin for an important training program to manufacture a platform that will enable hundreds of science projects on a single … [Read more...]
NASA to Start Program With S.Q.’s Machine Shop
NASA Ames has picked San Quentin for an important training program to manufacture a platform that will enable hundreds of science projects to be … [Read more...]
Richmond Teens Offer Advice to Community
If you were mayor, what would you do to make Richmond a better place to live? That question was posed to high school students whose ideas included … [Read more...]
Major Changes Ahead
The No. 2 man in California’s prison system says massive changes are ahead for the overcrowded system, and the future is uncertain. Uncertainties … [Read more...]
Jackson’s Celebrity Used to Change Lives
As a 19-year-old boy with a troubled background, DeSean Jackson came on a San Quentin tour and was shaken to his roots. Now he’s a famous 24-year-old … [Read more...]
After 24 Years, Lifer Goes Home
Editor’s Note: Two days before his release from San Quentin, where he was a leader in the formation and operation of many self-help groups, Ernest … [Read more...]
The Flip Side of the Dream: Martin Luther King Jr.’s Nightmare
The dark holes of slavery, segregation, and poverty plagued America’s Blacks for hundreds of years. Martin Luther King Jr. led America into a new era … [Read more...]
NASA to Start Program With S.Q.’s Machine Shop
NASA Ames has picked San Quentin for an important training program to manufacture a platform that will enable hundreds of science projects on a single … [Read more...]
Jeanne Woodford On the Death Penalty
Editor’s Note: This is the second of a series of articles on the Aug. 2 interview Editor-in-Chief Michael R. Harris conducted with Jeanne Woodford, a … [Read more...]
The Powerful Saga Of Van Jones
Van Jones – activist, educator and green economy builder – paid a return visit to San Quentin in September and offered words of wisdom. A former … [Read more...]