In the late 1980’s, an “old lifer” at the California Men’s Colony took Douglas Ingham under his wing and taught him woodworking to keep him busy and … [Read more...]
El periodo posterior al COVID-19
En el estado de California muchos prisioneros perdieron la vida y otros apenas sobrevivieron la pesadilla dehaber sido infectados con el virus del … [Read more...]
Tres prisiones juveniles cierran en California
El periódico L.A. Times reporta que California esta lista para cerrar sus últimas instituciones de detención juvenil en julio del 2023. En el … [Read more...]
Arthur Yeary brings people and animals to life
San Quentin State Prison has a diverse population of artists who work in a variety of styles and mediums. Each edition of SQ News seeks to highlight … [Read more...]
Jerry Welsh finds therapeutic benefit in his intricate beadwork
Gerald Welsh, 51, who has been incarcerated for 16 years, said he creates bead crafts for therapeutic reasons. “I find peace of mind and it is also … [Read more...]
ARTS: Manuel Flores creates and donates to children with cancer
As a means of dealing with the stress of incarceration and the COVID-19 pandemic, a San Quentin prisoner creates and donates art to children with … [Read more...]
California to Shut Down Remaining Youth Facilities by July 2023
California is set to shut down its remaining three youth facilities by July 2023, generating concerns over how to handle young offenders, the Los … [Read more...]
Cesar E. Chavez inspire reforms
“Si Se Puede!” (Yes, it can be done!), embodies the uncommon legacy Cesar E. Chavez left for millions of people around the world. “If you’re not … [Read more...]
Elderly San Quentin men struggle with COVID restrictions
After surviving the impact of COVID-19, incarcerated senior citizens are struggling to retain prior learning in academics, self-help groups, physical … [Read more...]
Incarcerated juveniles suffer psychologically during COVID-19 lockdowns
Incarcerated juveniles around the nation are feeling the psychological pressures of being exposed to harsh solitary confinement conditions in the name … [Read more...]