Dear Editor,
I wanted to thank you brothers and sisters for your newspaper. I really enjoyed February’s edition celebrating Black History month. I think about the untold facts of African-Americans’ scientific contributions to humanity. Communicating a culture’s achievements is a good thing, but only recounting a small portion of the story perpetuates psychological hinderance when it comes to self-identity. There’s a lot of negativity, we African-Americans had to overcome in the past, and the last thing we need is to reflect on a past that’s bad luck. Not to mention it’s long past time for us to stop begging for recognition.
Demmings A.
Wasco State Prison
Dear Mr. Demmings,
We encourage you to submit your own articles about any ‘story [that] perpetuates psychological hinderance when it comes to self-identity.’ We want to bring further awareness to matters that affect you.
–S.Q. News Staff