Last month was Black History Month. It passed by like any other month, but I should have given it more of my attention. This newspaper should have … [Read more...]
Archives for March 2012
‘What Does it Mean to be Grateful’
One of the most commonly expressed “feelings” in San Quentin Nonviolent Communication (NVC) classes is, “Today, I feel grateful…I feel blessed.” … [Read more...]
Appliance Tech Tips
You’ve seen the commercials with the clothing storage bags you vacuum the air out of to get more stuff in your closet? Digital TV is like that. The … [Read more...]
In Indian Country
Many Native tribes consider the Spring Equinox as their New Year celebration. Spring Equinox begins on March 21 with the waking of the bears, followed … [Read more...]
Asked On The Line
“Asked on the Line” conducted random informal interviews with 18 mainliners and asked how they felt about the protestors coming to San Quentin and … [Read more...]
March 2012 News Briefs
Contra Costa County – Law enforcement officials in are seeing far more prisoners than projected, since taking on the responsibility for lower level … [Read more...]
Back in the Day
SEPT. 19, 1980 – Coyote Park, the mini-park of trees and foliage located on the lower yard, has been laid bare by order of Warden George Sumner due to … [Read more...]