San Quentin Inmates Speak Out Opinion is divided within the San Quentin community over the Supreme Court’s ruling about overcrowding in California … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2011
Centering Prayer in the Catholic Chapel
Every Monday night in the Catholic Chapel, men of all faiths come together to practice the art of centering prayer. The guidelines are as follows: 1. … [Read more...]
Violence on Lower Yard Ends in Fatality
Violence erupted at the bottom of the stairs leading to the lower yard when the resident pack of rats living under the old modular building faced an … [Read more...]
Hancock’s Bill Proposes Voter Decision
The bill to allow voters to abolish the death penalty was authored by Sen. Loni Hancock, D-Berkeley. The legislation, SB490, was approved in July by … [Read more...]
Death Row student Craigen Armstrong wants kids to hear his voice and avoid his fate. He envies the access general population outreach groups have to … [Read more...]
July 2011 News Briefs
SACRAMENTO – More than 10,000 offenders are serving their sentences in private prisons outside of California, in four states. That number could grow … [Read more...]
New Group to Focus on 3 Strikes
One of the ways to help reduce prison overcrowding would be to modify the Three Strikes Law. A Field Poll in June found 74 percent of voters would … [Read more...]
Back in the Day
Selected Stories From Past Issues of The San Quentin News JUNE 1981 – The prison bake shop has immediate openings for experienced bakers. Pay ranges … [Read more...]