A Correctional Counselor (CC1) may not receive general or laudatory chronos (form 128-B) and certificates from inmates. Those documents must be submitted directly to the Records Department by the program sponsors.
“This has always been the rule,” said General Population Associate Warden J. Lawson. “The staff sponsors or volunteer sponsors must submit the chronos or certificates to Inmate Records to be scanned. This is to make sure that no fraudulent documents make it into their Central File (C-File).”
Inmates may be given a hard copy of the chronos or certificate for their own records, however.
Several dozen programs and classes are offered at San Quentin and after completing or graduating, certificates and/or chronos are issued to inmate participants. For many years, inmates got used to submitting copies of their program chronos and certificates to their counselors to have them placed in their permanent C-File.
Subsequently, inmate records, including C-File, have transitioned from traditional paper files to paperless computer files where all documents must be “scanned” in.
“This will cause some delay in getting our old laudatory documents into our C-File,” said M. Nguyen, Men’s Advisory Council (MAC) secretary.
“For those men who still have paper copies of chronos and certificates, they must go back to the staff or volunteer sponsor who signed them and ask that sponsor to turn them into Records for scanning,” said Nguyen.
“It will be a challenge, however, for chronos and certificates signed by staff or volunteers who no longer work at San Quentin. The MAC will seek to find a solution for that issue.”
–Angelo Falcone