For many years San Quentin’s Condemned Row prisoners have been labeled as unable to function like those men on the Main Line. Their lockdown program was designed for those whose social skills were not up to par with the mainstream prison population. Death Row, in the eyes of most, is the bottom of the barrel, the pit of the belly of the beast. Those on The Row have burned every bridge in life and their voices no longer matter. It is said that they are monsters, maniacs, and not worthy of life. Yet for those who are aware of what goes on behind the walls of East Block, North Seg., and the Adjustment Center, those accusations are only stereotype labels. The men on The Row are just like anybody else on the line.
In 2008 the East Block Advisory Council (EBAC) was established. Since then the Condemned population has taken part in food sales as well as other programs offered to them. There are now unit workers on The Row, clerks and a variety of other programs. What began as an experiment turned out to be a success.
Recently Lt. Luna interviewed me and it was decided that it was time that the Condemned population’s voice be heard through a column in the San Quentin News. There are many talented writers and artists who would like to share their ideas, opinions, and personal accomplishments. Condemned Row prisoners are not offered a chance to program. But little by little they are working their way up the food chain and proving wrong those who have lost all hope for them. The San Quentin News is an avenue for them to speak their minds, to get off their chests whatever issues weigh them down. It is time for the Brothers on the Row to shine.
My name is L. Samuel Capers. I was appointed by Lt. Luna to coordinate the column, Voices From The Row. It will allow the population in East Block, North. Seg., and the Adjustment Center to submit their work. Any and all Condemned prisoners are welcome to participate. It is time for us to show that we are not any different from those out on the line. All we needed was a chance. Now we have that chance. Let’s do this …
Contact me via U-SAV-EM at L. Samuel Capers, K-01264, 5-EB-69. All submissions will be edited and sent to Lt. Luna for final approval.