I wish to share a joke I heard the other day about a pastor that was out walking in the woods. A bear caught him and had him in a bear-hug, squeezing the life out of him. Not knowing what else to do, the pastor started praying, “God, please make this bear a Christian.” All of a sudden, the bear let loose of him. He turned around and saw the bear just standing there. Then the bear crossed his paws, bowed his head and said, “Lord, please bless this food of which I am about to partake.”
Somewhat corny, but a little funny anyway. I guess the message is that sometimes there might be conflicting prayers, so God cannot always answer everyone to our liking. We just have to trust in the fact that Jesus loves us and wants the best for us! God does answer prayers. Sometimes not like we think that he will though.
I try to “Keep the Faith” through all of my trials and tribulations. It’s hard sometimes keeping a positive attitude when I have to go through some heavy stuff. James 1:2-4 and James 1:12 talk a lot about going through trials and how trials develop perseverance. It also talks about a man being blessed by persevering under trials.
There is another important by-product of living through difficult circumstances: we acquire knowledge of how to deal with the circumstance that we can then pass on to others in order to help them through difficult times. 2 Cor. 1:3-4 talks about this. I think that God wants to use us right where we are to reach out and touch the lives of other human beings and help them. Lord knows that “He” has helped all of us down here in so many ways! We just need to try to have the attitude of Christ in all that we do.
George Thornton
North Block