Americans got the opportunity to see one of their greatest sports events happen this past February, Super Bowl 56, Cincinnati Bengals vs Los Angeles Rams.
The event meant more to one of the Bengals’ most loyal and dedicated fans, Adrian Robinson, 48. He has been walking around the prison proudly displaying his handmade Bengals pendant that drapes around his neck, exemplifying his love for his team. A native of Cincinnati his entire life outside, he said that he has been saying the native Bengals’ football slogan, “Who Dey,” from his birth.
I got the opportunity to chat with the die-hard fan after the devastating Bengals loss and get his perspective of the game.
TH: You watched the Super Bowl this February, which was a great game by the way. How did that loss affect you and how did it make you feel to see your team in the Super Bowl after all this time?
AR: Man, that game was a true nail-biter. I was on my feet the entire game in my cell. I was extremely proud of my team for making it to the Super Bowl. But the loss was an upset.
TH: By you being from Cincinnati, I already knew that you would be an enthusiastic fan of the Bengals. How far can your memory go back as a fan?
AR: I go way back, but my memory can recall when I used to watch Icky Woods do the Icky shuffle in the end zone. But I remember Boomer when he quarterbacked and when Anthony Munus committed suicide. My team has been struggling for decades, though.
TH: Speaking of struggling, it’s been 30 years since your team was beaten in the Super Bowl when they played against the 49ers — another upset to you, I bet.
AR: Yeah, I remember that game very well. But I predicted that we would be back in there. I predicted that we would be in the Super this year. I knew it the moment we got Joe Burrow from LSU. I was hyped! I also knew it when we got Zach Taylor as the head coach.
TH: I knew that Joe Burrow was a good pick and he did not disappoint you guys all season. But when was it during the Super Bowl that made you have some concerns of a victory for the Bengals being uncertain?
AR: Man, when Joe hurt his knee in the third quarter, I knew then that our chances were slim to win. The Los Angeles defense was treacherous. It was like they smelled blood in the water. And Joe looked like he was shell-shocked. That injury threw him off of his game. And Aaron Donald was not making it no better. He just simply outplayed the offense.
TH: Yes, he did. I personally think that he should have gotten the MVP, especially since he was talking about retiring. He played an awesome game. But yeah, Joe Burrow and the Bengals offense did look like they did just collapse after that injury. Because y’all did have the game at first. I was actually going for the Bengals myself. Nothing personally against the Rams, but I’m a fan of Joe Burrow too. He’s promising for the future of the Bengals, though. What do you think about the future of the Bengals and Joe Burrow as y’all’s quarterback?
AR: Man, it’s Who Dey all day on mines. I’m a true fan. I always think my team’s gonna go all the way to the Super Bowl. But I can honestly say that I think our chances of making next season with Joe as our quarterback are much better than I ever thought before.